Friday 26 November 2021

colour by numbers

 kio ora George here. in the past couple of days we have been doing colour by numbers its like a math and art project you get given the colours and you have to get the right answers to find get the picture i have finished the example which is on the left and my one which is on the right and its a W.I.P

Can you guess what im trying to make?

Blog ya later

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Bird of the Year!

 kia ora George here. in this week me and my class have been doing some bird of the year learning. 

bird of the year is a competition between 70 different species of birds, it is hosted by forest & bird every year 

this slide is all about why i voted for the Fiordland crested penguin and why you should too.

Blog ya later.

Monday 1 November 2021

what behind the door?

 Kia ora George here. Me and my class have been doing this extra writing task, where you chose a door and tell them whats behind it in a descriptive way.  this is what i have done

Blog ya later.

Friday 29 October 2021

media I have consumed!

kia ora George here. Over the last  couple of days i have been learning about media. on this poster you will find examples of all the different media i have consumed, media is everywhere in our lives. 

Blog ya later. 


all about me!

 kia ora George here.  this we have been learning what you should and shouldn't share about yourself online.

here is a poster all about me but with none of  my private information.

Blog ya later.

Thursday 21 October 2021

Are all volcanoes the same? - part 2

(This post has been updated 

Hello my name is George, I go to Owairaka District School. We have been studying about volcanoes and whether they are different or not. In this slide you will learn about the different types of volcanoes. I have enjoyed this type of learning because it made me think about  the different volcanoes near my home and what type they are. From the information on this slide what type of volcano do you think is the best? How many volcanoes in Auckland can you name?

Here's the slide. 

Blog ya later, George. 

Thursday 16 September 2021


 kia ora bloggers George here. our class has been learning about volcanoes for the last couple of weeks. this task was all about the volcanoes of auckland and we had to make these news paper articles. I really enjoyed this task because we got to research about our new Zealand volcanoes. 

I did the news paper article about mangere mountain. heres the slide 

hope you enjoyed this slide 
Blog ya later 

Tuesday 7 September 2021


 kia ora bloggers george here. we have been carrying on with our volcano focus and heres one of the slides i have done.   how would you have wrote it.  What Point of view  would you put it in. 

Blog ya later

Thursday 26 August 2021

all the different parts of a volcano - Part 1

 Hi my name is George.  I have been learning about volcanoes. Did you know that volcanoes have many parts? 

Here is the slide talking about volcanoes

Blog ya later 

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Qaulity blog comments!

Kia ora bloggers. Today we did a lesson about qaulity blog comments and i did a word art about it here it is

I really enjoyed this post because we got to choose what we wanted to do the three options were  a scracth, screen castify, and a word art.   what one would you have done
Blog ya later BYE


Friday 9 July 2021

 hey  bloggers! George here.  we have done heaps of fun stuff throughout this term and i am going to tell you all about it, i'm going to be focusing on the sports i've done. 

Kauri team sports!

we have done heaps of Kauri team sports and i am going to name a few.

1. hockey

2. German dodgeball

3. capture the flag 

4. Rippa rugby 

and much more 

Sports tournaments

i've done only one sport tournament this term and it was the football tournament heres a image of our team.

what sports tournament have you played in if you haven't what is your favourite sport 

hope you enjoyed my blog post 


Tuesday 15 June 2021

how we show empathy (PB4L)

 hello George here.  this week we have been focusing on empathy. There are three main characters  Jason, Phyllis and Patrick.  All of them come across problems in there life at school and home.                                  Empathy is all about looking in their point of view and thinking should i say that? is it going to hurt them?.                                                                                                                                                                                   HERES A LINK IF YOU WANT TO READ IT       LINK

 blog ya later               

Wednesday 9 June 2021

for cultural unity day  we've been working on a project about a country and I chose Spain                               and I made a google slide including traditional foods, story's , myths, performances and much more.              I hope you enjoyed.

blog ya later 

Thursday 3 June 2021


 Hello George here,  today we  did a workshop held by kainga Ora they are construction workers.

the people at all the different stations had different jobs they had to do. like one had to use a digger to

either destroy a building or gather heaps of the dirt/concrete. another one was a archetect 

we played this game called pipe dream. heres a link    LINK

here are some images of what we did

blog ya later bye

Monday 10 May 2021

is Rona the protagonist?.

 hello my name is is George and my class has been reading this called Rona and the moon.its about a person called Rona that needs to gather water for her children but its hard because the light by moon is gone because of a cloud. some people say she a protagonist  but i think shes an antogonist  because shes mad and rude and most good guys aren't mad or rude 

here's a picture of Rona and the moon

if you would like to listen or read the story 
here's a link

Thursday 6 May 2021

wordart challenge for cyber smart!

 hello my name is George and today i did a word art  to do with my history on the computer

   it  was super fun 

what is your most used app for the past day 

Friday 16 April 2021

my major sucsess criteria


hello my major succses criteria for this term is my interland toolkit
i did it with jarvis and remy there blog links are in this slide  
i hope you learnt some thing new because we worked really hard on this slide 
i hope you enjoyed

i hope you enjoyed this post 
blog ya later 
 - George

Wednesday 7 April 2021

my most memorable moment easter!!!!

hello bloggers.                                                                  here's a photo of Matapouri.

early in the morning we got up and started our easter hunt!. We went in a circle until we got back and there were clues leeding us to these basket ball hoops leeding us to the playground then we had to get the parents a coffee. Then we had to walk back to the place we were staying and then there were even more clues.Once we did the rest of the clues there were the chocolates hidden in a place where no body would look. 



Monday 29 March 2021

my favourite unuasaul sport

hello this is apost of my favourite unuasaul sport 

 my favourite weird sport is probably zorbing 

Zorbing is a sport where you can roll down hills or play normal sports in side the zorb ball, you can play sports like football. I think i would probably roll down the hill it was first played in 1994 and it was invented by andrew akers and dwane van der sluis. thats all the facts for today


Friday 19 March 2021

how has our backyard evolved overtime?

 Once there were heaps or greenery such as forests grass  and there were whare's built by the Maori people who were the first people in Aoteroa.                                                                                                                next the first bunch of British settlers came with traditional British clothes and more building materials and then they built new buildings like church's and other buildings.                                                            then the buildings and villages grew larger  and more British people and  other people from different country's most likely country's in Europe such as Spain, Portugal, France and much more                             and while all that was happening the treaty was signed.                                                                                   and finally  we now have city's like Auckland city and much bigger towns and villages .                                   overall New Zealand has changed heaps it was first a piece of land with trees growing rapidly and grass over flowing our wonderful never ending forests and now there's enourmas buildings like the sky tower

Thursday 18 March 2021

hello bloggers. this is me and my friend Jarvis we can balance and i bet you cant balance as well as us remember to see why mt albert  is special to us. hope you enjoyed.

Thursday 11 March 2021

kauri team site!!!

this is how you usethe kauri team site and class site

Standing strong

Hello Room 8. Some people have had to go to jail because they are standing strong, and fighting for whats right, others need to travel because its too dangerous to stay there , and some are having to deal with a disibiltie of some sourt. 


Tuesday 2 March 2021

hi room 8 these are the kawa of care posters!

that insect is so much bigger then me

hi room 8. The insect is much bigger then me when im shrinked its queit scarey looking when im down here 

how tall do  you think is when your shrink ?

would you stand next to it?

what bug do you think it is ?

there are my question for today from George

Thursday 25 February 2021

hi room we have been researching about the recreation of the Hauraki gulf

with the help of Remy,Jarvis and Zac  we did it finally!!!

did you enjoy slide show?, tell us what we can improve on in that slide 

hope you enjoyed!.

Monday 22 February 2021

The pros and cons of lockdown from George

Kia ora Room 8 these are the pros and cons of lock down. are trying something new.

con. you cant spend time with your friends.

pro.i can pick what I do first and last

con. lock down is a bit boring.

pro.we did not have to wake up as early as we did cant go to school.

overall lock down was meh how do you think lock down was???.


Thursday 18 February 2021

My holiday

 Hi it is George this my first blog post!!. has any one else been to Matapouri? 

Monday 8 February 2021



Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.