Friday 26 November 2021

colour by numbers

 kio ora George here. in the past couple of days we have been doing colour by numbers its like a math and art project you get given the colours and you have to get the right answers to find get the picture i have finished the example which is on the left and my one which is on the right and its a W.I.P

Can you guess what im trying to make?

Blog ya later

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Bird of the Year!

 kia ora George here. in this week me and my class have been doing some bird of the year learning. 

bird of the year is a competition between 70 different species of birds, it is hosted by forest & bird every year 

this slide is all about why i voted for the Fiordland crested penguin and why you should too.

Blog ya later.

Monday 1 November 2021

what behind the door?

 Kia ora George here. Me and my class have been doing this extra writing task, where you chose a door and tell them whats behind it in a descriptive way.  this is what i have done

Blog ya later.