Tuesday 15 June 2021

how we show empathy (PB4L)

 hello George here.  this week we have been focusing on empathy. There are three main characters  Jason, Phyllis and Patrick.  All of them come across problems in there life at school and home.                                  Empathy is all about looking in their point of view and thinking should i say that? is it going to hurt them?.                                                                                                                                                                                   HERES A LINK IF YOU WANT TO READ IT       LINK

 blog ya later               

Wednesday 9 June 2021

for cultural unity day  we've been working on a project about a country and I chose Spain                               and I made a google slide including traditional foods, story's , myths, performances and much more.              I hope you enjoyed.

blog ya later 

Thursday 3 June 2021


 Hello George here,  today we  did a workshop held by kainga Ora they are construction workers.

the people at all the different stations had different jobs they had to do. like one had to use a digger to

either destroy a building or gather heaps of the dirt/concrete. another one was a archetect 

we played this game called pipe dream. heres a link    LINK

here are some images of what we did

blog ya later bye